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NaC20130101_DS_Lolina® Human BM-MSC stem-Prom® supplement kit 1,Xeno Free-Lolina

NaC20130101_DS_Lolina® Human BM-MSC stem-Prom® supplement kit 1,Xeno Free


    Lolina A/S

    Address: Sindalsvej 30 8240 Risskov Danmark 

                        Email: Info@lolina.dk

     Website: https://lolina.dk

    Product Specification


    Product name

    Lolina® Human BM-MSC stem-Prom® supplement kit 1, Xeno Free



    Storage and shipping

    Store at -20. Once added to medium, store at 4 ℃, do not refreeze after thawing. Dry ice transportation.


    Product Description

    Lolina® stem-Prom® supplement kit 1 is a sterile lyophilized products which contains growth factors and proteins for significant enhancement of BM-MSC proliferation and viability. The kit is usually used as a in vitro BM-MSC culture supplement.

    It has the following benefit:

    Enhance cell attachment and expansion ability: NaC20130101 can promote cell attachment and expansion on the culture matrix and enhance the interaction between cells and the matrix.

    Provide essential nutrients and a stable environment: NaC20130101 can carry essential nutrients, provide the components required for cell metabolism, and maintain the stability of the culture environment.

    Improve cell survival and proliferation rate: NaC20130101 can significantly improve the survival and proliferation rate of MSCs, especially under low serum or serum-free culture conditions.

    Maintain stemness and multipotency: NaC20130101 helps maintain the stemness and multipotency of MSCs, prevent premature cell differentiation, and maintain cell proliferation ability.

    Improve cell viability: NaC20130101 can improve the vitality of MSCs, enhance cell survival rate and anti-apoptosis ability.



    Compound No.





    r-Human   serum albumi (HSA)




    r-Huamn   bFGF protein




    Instructions for Use


    1. Stock solution Preparation.

    One kit is for 50ml cell culture medium.

    The compounds are offered as powder in tubes. Please centrifuge before opening the cap to ensure the accuracy of the dosage.

    Please carry out dissolution and packaging operations on a clean bench.

    Spray the medium bottle and supplement tube with 70% ethanol and wipe to remove excess liquid. In a sterile field, remove the caps without touching the interior  threads  with  fingers. 

    Reconstitute the protein in sterile 1 × PBS pH 7.4. Aliquot into appropriate volumes of storage solution.

    When stored at -20℃, the stock solution is stable for 6 month. When stored at 4 ℃, the stock solution is stable for 1 week.


    2. Reference Protocol

    Step 1: Culture medium Preparation

    a.  Thaw stock solutions of Lolina® Human BM-MSC stem-Prom® supplement kit 1.

    b.  Dilute the stock solutions into regular culture medium to get complete culture medium.

    Step 2: Cell culture

    c.   Rapidly thaw frozen BM-MSC vials in a 37°C water bath.

    d.  Transfer cells to a sterile conical tube with pre-warmed medium.

    e.   Centrifuge at 300g for 5 minutes to pellet cells.

    f.   Resuspend the cell pellet in complete culture medium plate into culture dishes/flasks.

    g.   Change the medium every 2-3 days.



    Cell Density: Avoid over-confluence to maintain MSC multipotency.

    Medium Preparation: Use freshly prepared culture medium to ensure that it does not contain contaminants and degradation products.

    Contamination Control: Use aseptic techniques to prevent contamination.
